About The Project

Educating to Eradicate

Bullying can include physical violence, sexual assault, threats, teasing, social exclusion, or other psychological violence. The presence of bullying is often a sign of aggressive or violent behaviour elsewhere in children’s lives, and young children may enact at school or elsewhere what they have observed and learned at home.

One of the main goals of this project is to engage youth workers in anti-bullying work through nonformal education methods and to empower them for future educational work among youth. This promotes youth work and participation, which will work with youth who have fewer opportunities. All these values are in line with the expectations of many Europeans.

Because bullying and cyberbullying come in many forms today, youth workers must and can learn how to defeat bullying in their daily activities to provide a safe place and activities where youth can learn the skills and competencies that will help them resolve conflicts and problems peacefully and learn to live with diversity on a daily basis. Therefore, organizations from 4 countries decided to initiate this project, whose goals are to investigate these manifestations and to implement and apply new and effective strategies to prevent them, to create a tolerant culture, and to promote a safe space in their work with youth.

I realized that bullying never has to do with you. It’s the bully who’s insecure.

Shay Mitchell

Actress, Canada

What Drives Us

Our Objectives

  • Develop a user-friendly anti-bullying resource for an audience of youth workers, which would be supplemented by the project consortium’s anti-bullying training.
  • Provide youth organizations with a comprehensive framework within which to address the problem of bullying from a comprehensive organizational approach.
  • To identify a range of responses currently used by the Youth Work sector to address the problem of bullying.
  • Identify best practice guidelines about bullying prevention and intervention for the Youth Work sector.
  • Strengthen the professional and training profile of youth workers.

Our Approach


We’re working hard to create an easy-to-use anti-bullying resource for youth workers.

Comprehensive Framework

We want to provide organizations with a comprehensive framework to tackle bullying from an organizational perspective.

Best practices

We’re on the hunt for the best practices when it comes to bullying prevention and intervention for young workers.


Last but not least, we’re dedicated to boosting the professional and training profile of youth workers.